Sodalite Palm Stones
Meditate with a Sodalite Palm Stone to open + activate your Throat Chakra for clear communication + self expression. Sodalite is a naturally blue crystal of awakening. Sodalite crystal healing properties help you access your inner wisdom + speak your truth.
These Sodalite Palm Stones have a lovely depth of color + some UV reactivity under a blacklight. Polished into uniform oval shapes with some inclusions + natural unsmooth spots in the stone.
Sodalite has a stress-relieving, go with the flow effect that's calming to the mind, making it a good stone to hold when you feel nervous, worried, or tense.
2.4-2.7 oz
2.35" long
1.56"-1.6" wide
0.8" thick
Blue Sodalite works with both the Throat + the Third Eye Chakras. Sodalite stimulates the Pineal Gland, activating intuition + awakening psychic abilities. Sodalite is an excellent choice for anyone looking to enhance their spiritual growth, strengthen their self-expression, or tap into their intuitive gifts.
Sodalite is a good stone for intuitives of all kinds. Sodalite makes an excellent tarot crystal + is helpful to astrologers, numerologists + those who consult other oracles as it assists in translating archetypal or energetic patterns into useful + meaningful information about our earthly lives.
Sodalite is one of the rare naturally blue crystals. The deep, rich blue color of the stone gives it a soothing + calming energy, which helps put your spirit at ease + deepen your meditations.
Sodalite acts as a guide on your inner travels. It can be useful in recalling your dreams + can help you practice lucid dreaming.
Meditate with Sodalite before you'll be having a difficult conversation, giving a presentation or doing any public speaking as it can help you express yourself clearly + without fear.